Pure CBD Health Trusted Broad Spectrum CBD Oil in the UK | Cannabis Oil Tue, 10 May 2022 10:45:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://ph.avegademos.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/favicon-32x32.jpg Pure CBD Health 32 32 What are Terpenes and why do they matter? https://ph.avegademos.in/what-are-terpenes-and-why-do-they-matter/ https://ph.avegademos.in/what-are-terpenes-and-why-do-they-matter/#respond Mon, 08 Mar 2021 20:04:09 +0000 https://ph.avegademos.in/?p=2018 The post What are Terpenes and why do they matter? appeared first on Pure CBD Health.


What are Terpenes and why do they matter?

Anuj Wadhwa

Mar 8, 2021

Ever wondered what is behind the uplifting feeling that you experience upon smelling the aromas when you peel an orange? The calming effect of the aroma that lavender gives out? Or the strong smell you relate with Cannabis?

Most of the aromas found in plants are caused by a combination of Terpenes.

This fancy sounding term, Terpenes is something we come across everyday in our lives. It is present in most flowers, fruits, vegetables and herbs. Cannabis Plants happen to be quite abundant in them. That is why when you cross a Cannabis field, it is hard not to notice it!

They have a crucial role to play in the survival of plants as they protect the plants from being devoured by animals or infested by infectious germs. They also attract insects responsible for pollination.

Interestingly, Terpenes are also found in some animals, like the wool wax, fish scales, fish liver oil and many more typical smells that you must have come across in the animal kingdom.

It is worthy to note that although some people refer to terpenes as terpenoids, they are not the same. Terpenes are what is found in plants and animals in their natural state whereas Terpenoids are an oxidized form of Terpenes that happens when a plant like Cannabis, is cured and aged in its production process.

Terpenes in CBD Oil

Terpenes are the aromatic non-psychoactive compounds in Cannabis that create the intense earthy flavour and smell in good quality Broad Spectrum CBD Oils.

The smell of nature, in that earthy flavour, is so rare in our foods considering most foods now have so many artificial flavour enhancements that we have forgotten what a freshly plucked carrot full of soil tastes like.

Earth has its own flavour which we don’t get to taste or smell anymore. Remember the smell of mud on a rainy day?

Imagine treating your senses and your body with this intense earthy aroma and taste everyday by consuming good quality Broad Spectrum CBD Oil. Note, CBD Oil Isolate will not give you this benefit of Terpenoids as Isolate CBD Oil is stripped off the Entourage Effect that pure and authentic CBD Oil can offer.

The profile of Terpenes will differ greatly depending on different cultivars and the purpose of growing. Hemp grown to produce CBD Oil will have a different profile when compared to growing with the purpose of cultivating Cannabis.

The cannabis plant has more than 200 different terpenes, which is a much higher concentration than most other plants.

One of many reasons that CBD Oil can have an unprecedented positive impact on the body.

Here are some of the Terpenes present in Cannabis :

Myrcene Terpene : Also found in Mangoes, it is one of the primary terpenes in cannabis plants. It has relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Limonene – As the name suggests, it is commonly found in citrus fruits. It is the second most abundant terpene found in Cannabis Plants. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Pinene – Again, the name indicates clearly that it is also abundantly found in Pine Trees. It is a strong bronchodilator. It is the most widely encountered terpene in nature.

Linalool – It is found in Lavender. It helps in managing anxiety.

Humulene – It is found in Hops, Cloves and Basil. It helps in keeping appetite in control and promoting good sleep.

Caryophyllene – It is found in black pepper and cinnamon. It has a spicy, woody and peppery aroma. It helps in managing anxiety and depression. It is the only non-cannabinoid found to activate the CB2 receptors in our Endocannabinoid System.

Bisabolol – It is found in Chamomile, Honey and Apples. It helps in maintaining skin quality.

What Role do Terpenes play?

Terpenes are bioactive, meaning that they are easily absorbed and accepted by the body. They interact with the receptors in our brain and aid in balancing the production of crucial neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.

They have a positive impact on our mood, making us feel better and happier.

Not only do they have the ability to get absorbed themselves efficiently into the human system, they help the cannabinoids in the CBD Oil to get absorbed in the system. This is one of the ways the Entourage Effect comes into play!


Terpenes add a serious punch to your CBD oil. They give you the added boost of benefits that CBD Oil has to offer. So make sure to choose CBD Oil with the Terpenes present.

Get your terpene-rich CBD Oil here

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History of Cannabis https://ph.avegademos.in/history-of-cannabis/ Fri, 05 Mar 2021 20:28:42 +0000 https://ph.avegademos.in/?p=2021 The post History of Cannabis appeared first on Pure CBD Health.


History of Cannabis


Anuj Wadhwa

Mar 5, 2021

There is no culture as rich and ancient as the Indian Culture. It is not a claim of any individual but all the findings of ancient archaeological artifacts convincingly point to this fact.

Ellora Caves in India, standing to date for 1500 years are made with 10% hemp that is what gives it such a long life. Even studies conducted in Europe have shown that structures built using hemp can last for more than 800 years.

history of cannabis

According to Atharva Veda, a 5,000 year old text belonging to the mysterious Indian lore, cannabis is considered as a wonder herb with such wide application that it is considered as the ‘Plant of the Gods’.

To date, it is common culture in India to drink Cannabis Flowers mixed in yogurt and milk, especially on Holi the special festival of colours.

history of cannabis

When West meets the East

One man who travelled from the west saw the massive opportunity in this forgotten herb, especially for its medical uses.

Sir William Brooke O’Shaughnessy is the forgotten person in the history of cannabis. Before cannabis was outlawed, it was commonly used by the masses and it was Sir William who introduced Cannabis for medical applications to Europe.

He learnt about its uses in Bengal when he was stationed in Bengal, India in 1833 where he saw first hand its applications in the ancient medical science of Ayurveda.

From India, Sir William travelled to Afghanistan and Nepal and learnt more from their diverse cultures, his wonder and curiosity grew even further!

The year when Cannabis came into the spotlight in the western world was 1839, Sir William gave a talk based on his paper in the Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta. The 40-page document was a marvelous account of the application of Cannabis in accordance with the standards of modern pharmaceutical research. It thoroughly captured the wisdom of Ayurvedic and Persian traditional systems of medicines by reviewing the exact applications of Cannabis as propounded by these ancient cultures.

He did clinical trials of different preparations, mostly extracts and tinctures, on different animals to ensure the safety of these applications.

Once assuring himself of no inherent risks in the use of Cannabis using the right formulations, he experimented on some of his patients. A famous story is about a 40-day-old baby with convulsions, who leaped from a near death like situation, to “the enjoyment of robust health” in a few days of therapy.

history of cannabis research

Dr. W. B. O’Shaughnessy
(courtesy of the National Library of Medicine]
He was such a prolific inventor and medical researcher. Adding to his accolades beyond his work on cannabis therapy, he founded the modern treatment of cholera and established the first telegraph system in Asia.


Below, I share with you a timeline of how far we have come with Cannabis

1860 – ‘Ganjah Wallah Hashish Candy Company’ produced the most famous candy in the US. Made with Maple Sugar and Cannabis Derivatives, it was sold as a ‘harmless’ candy for over 40 years

history of cannabis ad1

history of cannabis ad2

1883 – Hashish smoking parlours opened in every major city in the US. New York alone had more than 500 such parlours.

1890 – ‘Marriage Guides’ commonly recommended cannabis extracts for heightened marital sexual pleasures.

1937 (February) – “New Billion Dollar Crop” was the headline of Popular Mechanics and called hemp “the standard fibre of the world” They claim that hemp can “produce more than 25,000 products, ranging from dynamite to Cellophane.”

1937 – US Congress passes the Marijuana Tax Act which criminalises Cannabis.

1941 – Medical Applications of Cannabis are officially removed from the US Pharmacopoeia and it is not recognised for it’s medicinal uses.

1942 – 400,000 pounds of hemp seed is provided to US farmers by the government, overriding it’s own decision to ban hemp, so that farmers can grow hemp fibres, hemp made uniforms are much tougher and resilient than cotton. It was promoted so extensively that farmers who agreed to grow hemp were exempt from military service despite America being at war.

1942 – Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which was the predecessor to the CIA, used marijuana as a ‘Truth Drug (TD)’ to interrogate stubborn subjects.

1972 – USDA discovered that hemp seed contains the lowest amount of saturated fats, as compared to other vegetable oils. More studies found that hempcake (made from the remains of seeds after pressing them for oil) was traditionally used as animal feed. Thus, hemp is the official recommendation for a nutritionally balanced feed for pets and farm animals.

1975 – Researchers at Medical College of Virginia find that Cannabis works to reduce the size of tumors, both benign and cancerous.

1985 – Dronabinol, a synthetic THC is approved by the FDA, as a treatment for cancer patients despite having side effects. Although THC in natural form in cannabis was available, free from side effects, it remained outlawed.

1992 – AIDS patients request for marijuanato be used as a medical aid. The US almost legalised THC but due to mysterious reasons, the inferior dronabinol is approved to manage AIDS-wasting syndrome.

1996 – Medical Marijuana is re-legalised for use by patients suffering from AIDS, Cancer and other serious illnesses in California. Other states follow suit, including Arizona, Alaska, Colorado and many more.

1997 – The American Office of National Drug Control Policy commissioned the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and conducted a detailed study of applications of Cannabis Therapy. IOM concluded that it is a safe and useful therapy that every medical complication can consider to use, safely and effectively.

2003 – First country in the world that acknowledges the wonder of Cannabis and legalises its use.

Cannabis has truly come a long way. The world has finally come to realise what our ancestors so clearly understood.

Although there is a challenge.

It is questionable whether mixing it with tobacco and consuming it in a smokable form is the best way to administer the wonder herb.

If we take a peak at history, consuming it in an edible form seems to be a much more holistic approach to the subject.


That’s where CBD oil comes in. Let’s study the recent past on how CBD Oil created a revolution in making Cannabis a safe option for children and adults, sick and the healthy, with NO PSYCHOTROPIC EFFECTS!

Timeline of CBD Oil in modern history :

1940 – Roger Adams, a Chemist from Harvard University, was the first person to be successful at extracting CBD from the Cannabis Sativa Plant. He didn’t realise what a contribution he had made which would usher the green era of CBD Oil.

1946 – Dr. Walter S. Loewe tests CBD on lab animals. He proves that CBD doesn’t cause altered states of consciousness.

1946 – Dr. Raphael Mechoulam recognises the 3D structure of CBD. He is now known as the scientist who actually discovered CBD.

1960 – Research done on primates is successful and British Pharmacologists release the first CBD Oil for therapeutic use.

1980 – Dr. Mechoulam, in his pivotal study, showed cannabidiol as a key treatment for epilepsy.

Dr. Mechoulam aka The Sober Activist

There are many facts about the history of cannabis that cannot be covered in one article. Watch out for more content on how people in the past revered this life giving wonder herb.

If you know a fun fact about the history of Hemp or CBD Oil, do share with us in the comments!

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Why you need Healthy Fats in your system & how Pure CBD Oil can help https://ph.avegademos.in/why-you-need-healthy-fats-in-your-system-how-pure-cbd-oil-can-help/ Wed, 27 Jan 2021 10:37:53 +0000 https://ph.avegademos.in/?p=1703 The post Why you need Healthy Fats in your system & how Pure CBD Oil can help appeared first on Pure CBD Health.


Why you need Healthy Fats in your system & how Pure CBD Oil can help

Pure CBD Oil Health Benefits

Anuj Wadhwa

Jan 27, 2021

A word that evokes fear in our minds like no other word is FAT!

The moment we hear that a dish is high in fat, we check in with ourselves to negotiate an extra mile of running the next day to compensate!

When we meet our loved ones after a long time, which is happening a lot thanks to COVID, we often hear them commenting about our Body Fat.
The conversation generally goes like “Oh my, you have gained so much fat! Looks like the stress of lockdown really got to you!”

Fat has become a villain in conversations and every advert we see on television promises us a nirvana land where no fat will exist if we buy their product.

‘Lose fat with our revolutionary new pill’ says the colourful ad with lots of happy fit people dancing to the newest tunes. 

Superstores are inundated with products that are touted as healthy because of  a highlight statement of ‘fat-free’ to make us believe that this is one element of nutrition that needs to be omitted, period!

Let’s explore the time in history when fat was projected as a threat to good health.

The Study that called dietary fats dangerous

American scientist Ancel Keys conducted a study called the Seven Countries Study which at that time was the biggest study done on connecting the lifestyle and dietary factors that caused cardiovascular disease across different countries and cultures.

He concluded that countries with high fat consumption in their diets had the highest prevalence of cardiovascular disease.

However, as the quality of studies and our capacity of analyses has progressed with time, the study does not seem convincing anymore.

Keys had missed out on the fact that there were many countries where cardiovascular disease was high and fat consumption was low and there were also many countries where fat consumption was high and cardiovascular disease low.

Recent studies have proven that the study conducted by Keys was limited and arrived at an inaccurate conclusion. The Cochrane Database Systematic Review analysed with much larger numbers and found no statistical evidence to confirm the verdict given by Keys!

However, not many people are aware of this history of how fat became a villain and the fact that we have much advanced studies to disprove the previously held belief in the scientific community.

In 1977, the American Government created the first set of ‘Dietary Goals’ and advocated a higher intake of carbohydrates and negligent consumption of fats. This later on led to the obesity epidemic in the 1980s because the population started consuming cheap empty calories in the form of processed carbohydrates that were low on fiber. This has consistently been causing a decline in the general health of the masses!

Different types of fats

Before we start judging the word fat so much, let us first learn more about the different types of dietary fats

  1. Saturated Fats : These Fats are found in a solid state at room temperature. Common sources of Saturated Fats are Red Meat, Milk, Cheese and Butter. Non-red meats have less Saturated Fats when compared to red meat. Vegan Sources of Saturated Fats include Coconut Oil, Coconut Milk and Macadamia Nuts. Too much saturated fat can increase our Cholesterol levels so best to consume a limited amount. Having said that, it certainly is a necessary dietary element that should not be skipped altogether
  2. Unsaturated Fats : Unlike Saturated Fats, these Fats are found in a liquid state at room temperature. It is mostly found in oils from plants. These can be consumed in higher quantities when compared to Saturated Fats but since they are high in calories, we need to stay in moderation like with everything else in life. It is further subdivided into two categories :
    1. Monounsaturated Fats – They contain only one double bond in their molecular structure. These may help in lowering bad cholesterol which actually reduces your risk of heart disease. Yes, the right fats actually REDUCE your risk of heart disease! Some examples include Cooking Oils (Olive Oil & Sesame Oil), Avocados and Sesame Seeds.
    2. Polyunsaturated Fats – They contain more than one double bond in their molecular structure. Similar to Monounsaturated Fats, they help in lowering bad cholesterol. Examples include Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Oil, Pine Nuts and Walnuts.
  3. Trans Fats : These are liquid-state fats that convert to solid-state fats while being processed using artificial food processing techniques. This conversion from one state to another is called hydrogenation. The purpose to convert is to increase shelf life as it stays in a hard solid state at room temperature. They are the ‘unhealthy’ type of fats that must be avoided. They raise our bad cholesterol levels. Common examples are processed foods, chips in packets, cookies, doughnuts and some salad dressings (Yes Salads can be unhealthy too)

Why are fats important

There are Vitamins like Vitamin A, D, E and K that are fat soluble. Without enough fats in our system, we will not be able to effectively absorb these necessary Vitamins. Along with this, Fats help us stay full for longer, which helps in dealing with cravings and avoiding taking in too many empty calories.

It further helps us in crucial bodily functions like blood clotting, building cell membranes, muscle movement and inflammation!

Difference between Short Chained, Medium Chained and Long Chained Triglycerides. 

Triglycerides is just a fancy technical name for Fats. Fats are also categorized as per the length of their carbon atoms in the chain that makes the Fat. Triglyceride is basically a glycerol molecule and three fatty acids

  1. Short Chain Triglycerides : The fatty acids in SCTs have fewer than 6 carbon atoms. They are created in the colon upon fermentation by fiber done by the friendly gut bacteria. They help in the metabolism of carbs and fats.
  2. Medium Chain Triglycerides : The fatty acids in SCTs have 6-12 carbon atoms. They break down faster in the system as compared to LCTs. They bypass the lymphatic system and are directly processed by the liver which produces ketones upon absorption providing instant energy without any load on digestion.
  3. Long Chain Triglycerides : The fatty acids in LCTs have 13-21 carbon atoms. It is the most common type of fat we find in foods. These types of fats pass through our digestive system after which they are released as lipids in the bloodstream. These get stored in the adipose tissue and increase fat levels of the body

The type of fats in our CBD Oil Products

Pure CBD Health offers MCT Oil as the carrier of Broad Spectrum CBD to make sure it gets easily absorbed in your system.

Along with the boost of CBD in your performance, you get the benefit of MCT Oil with our products which is essential for good energy levels for the body.

Another wonder of MCT Oil is that once it is converted into ketones in our system, it can effectively pass through the blood-brain barrier and give instant energy to the brain cells as well, making you feel more alert and alive!

This makes CBD much more bioavailable to the body and the brain, making MCT Oil the most effective medium of delivery!

It is a much more effective method of administering CBD to the body, as compared to taking a CBD supplement in pill form. In this case, the CBD is first digested and broken down into over 100 metabolites, most of which are not used by the body and merely removed from the system. This process is called ‘First-Pass Metabolism’

MCT Oil helps CBD avoid the First-Pass Metabolism making sure more CBD reaches the bloodstream.

This works like a charm because CBD and other cannabinoids are fat soluble, just like many of the vitamins.

Make the most of the wonderful benefits that the right types of fats can offer you, consumed in the right proportions!! Click here to get hold of our High Quality Broad Spectrum CBD Oil now!!

Reference : 

Editorial: Fat isn’t the villain you think it is – Scot Scoop News

What Are The 4 Different Types Of Fats? Read On To Understand The Difference Between These Fats (ndtv.com)

Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated Fat Differences (verywellhealth.com)

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How to Create Productive & Best Morning Routine https://ph.avegademos.in/best-morning-routine/ Thu, 31 Dec 2020 08:02:34 +0000 https://ph.avegademos.in/?p=1648 The post How to Create Productive & Best Morning Routine appeared first on Pure CBD Health.


How to Create Productive & Best Morning Routine


Anuj Wadhwa

Dec 31, 2020

Wake up to a shocking alarm ring, begrudgingly rub your eyes whilst feeling your eyes burn and snooze the alarm just to get 15 more minutes of shut-eye time.

The alarm rings again and now you know you are going to be late for work so you jump out of bed, immediately make some coffee as you know it is the only way to wake you up in the morning. What follows is heavy traffic, loud noises, the radio full of advertisements before you reach work for another day’s grind.

It doesn’t sound like a perfect life but that’s how everyone who wants to run a home and have a certain standard of living must survive right? Let’s think again.

Tim Ferris, one of the most celebrated authors and a magnificent human, recommends for you to make your bed immediately after you get up to achieve a sense of accomplishment first thing in the day. “It’s hard for me to overstate how important this ritual has become,” says Ferris who picked this philosophy up during his time living with monks and meditating.

Steve Jobs also had a simple morning routine. He would rise in the morning, make his bed, shower and then look at himself in the mirror, eye to eye and ask himself, “If today was the last day of my life, would I be happy with what I’m about to do today?” If the answer was a “no” for too many days, he knew he had to change something substantial in his life.

There are several examples of people who had an impact in the world, having a ritual that connected with their larger philosophy in life. And it isn’t necessarily something massive and time-consuming like meditating for an hour or hiking in the forest for a couple of hours every day (Although if one can afford to, there is nothing like it!).

It is mostly something that DOES NOT take too much time, is easy, and doesn’t cost anything. However, such rituals in the morning do ONE thing that does have an unfathomable impact on our life.

They set the tone for the rest of the day. The simple act of making your bed every morning makes you believe in your identity as an organized and responsible person. Looking yourself in the mirror and asking a deeply introspective question makes you check in with your faint inner voice throughout the day when you need to make big decisions.

There is an age-old adage that goes like this: How you do anything is how you do everything.

How you start your day will probably decide how well you perform at your team meeting at work or how proactive you are in spending quality time with your family in the evening.

There is something magical in the small hours of the morning, especially before sunrise when there is a divine silence and a whole lot of bottled up energy that is about to be unleashed with the sunrise.

The Ancient Yogis realized this and hence, they prescribed in the evergreen scriptures of Yoga to rise 2 muhurats (Sanskrit terminology to measure time wherein 1 muhurat is 48 minutes long) ie 1 hour 36 minutes before sunrise and practice some form of mindfulness habit or meditation.

Also Read: How CBD Can Deepen Your Meditation Practice

This ethereal part of the day is known as Brahmamuhurata aka The Creator’s Hour.

One seems to have a better momentum to have an inner dialogue with the pervading silence and serenity that prevails, and we all can do with some silence and inner dialogue from time to time 😀

Don’t worry, we are not recommending that you start waking up this time from tomorrow onwards. Take it slow. Make really small changes. Consider waking up AND sleeping slightly earlier than you usually do and consider one of the following possibilities as part of your mornings.

Lemon Water: Starting your morning routine by alkalizing your system and detoxing is a great idea. Hot or cold, as you like. The point is to make it fun so that you look forward to it. Mindfully sip the drink while thinking of JUST one thing you are grateful for in your life.
Gaze at the rising sun. Getting some outdoor light and fresh air just for a moment can do wonders. It activates the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN), also known as a circadian pacemaker, which is basically the conductor of our endocrine system. It optimizes the hormonal secretions but it needs morning light to activate itself and start doing the job it was meant to, at the right time. This will also ensure that you start feeling groggy in the evening at the right time and you don’t lie down restless with thoughts running through your mind, unable to sleep.
Write a page about ANYTHING, but just write. The act of writing is like an active meditation, wherein you check in with yourself about how you are feeling and what you are thinking. You can even note down the dreams that you had to see patterns and maybe get some clues for your life.
Breathe! This is my favorite one. Sit comfortably on your chair, meditation cushion, or even lying down on a yoga mat (not on your bed though as that can be a risky proposition :P) and breathe, deeply, in and out while relaxing your body. Although it is recommended to follow a guided practice. You can try one by clicking here. All it takes is just 5 minutes of time and give yourself a new Zen you. Ha!
Make a Vision Board. Put all the images or words that excite you. Make your dreams tangible on aboard. Every morning, first thing, look at the vision board and feel the emotions as deeply as possible that get invoked when you spend time doing this. This can be MUCH more powerful than you think in making the universe conspire to make your dreams come alive.
Do 5 Push-ups. We recommend just 5 to make it easy initially and avoid any soreness that lingers on and adversely affects your day. If you are an active person in general, do more but make sure to keep it in your comfort zone. When you make your heart pump first thing in the morning, it sets up your body to tackle the day and most importantly, prime your digestion to process all the lovely meals that are to follow.
I bet that after going through the list, you feel like doing ALL OF THEM! Well, you could, however, as mentioned, but do not be over ambitious as our brain is not trained to make big shifts in short periods of time (except big life events like an accident or getting married)

It is much more important to start small but ensure that you stay consistent over a period of time, the habit then gets installed and you can consider adding on levels to it without the worry of feeling overwhelmed.

Pro Tip: Don’t cut down on your sleep to perform your morning rituals as that might cost you in the long run.

We would love to hear your morning rituals and ideas that were not mentioned here to add value to our community and share your wisdom! Good luck!

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Eat your Water – The New Science on Hydration https://ph.avegademos.in/science-of-hydration/ Tue, 29 Dec 2020 15:05:48 +0000 https://ph.avegademos.in/?p=1644 The post Eat your Water – The New Science on Hydration appeared first on Pure CBD Health.


Eat your Water –The New Science on Hydration


Anuj Wadhwa

Dec 29, 2020

Drink 8 glasses of water. Where did this number come from anyway?

In 1945, the U.S. Food and Nutrition Board recommended people to drink 2.5 liters of water a day!

However, we missed the full story of the recommendation. “Most of this quantity is contained in prepared foods,” said the full report. What ‘prepared’ foods meant back then, is a mystery but what they probably meant was that we must consume water through eating fruits and vegetables which are water-rich.

There is no study really that proves that 8 glasses of water is the ideal daily consumption of fluids to stay hydrated

How missing one sentence can change the destiny of the human race!

Evidence in the Real World

Let’s explore a tribe in Mexico that is dispelling the 8-glass-water myth in style!

Tarahumara Indians of Mexico are known to perform at an elite level in distance running. Best of all, they don’t need fancy shoes with advanced cushioning. They do it in simple sandals made from old pieces of rubber and leather straps around their ankles.

science of hydration

Well if you have more than 50 miles to run non-stop, you better have your hydration systems in check.

The Tarahumara use simply chia seeds mixed in water as their pre-run ritual to ensure optimal hydration for their long arduous journeys

What is in Chia Seeds that a simple glass of water can not provide?

They have a high propensity to absorb water so when you soak in water, they tend to swell up to 10x their original size and form a gel-like consistency.

The Real Science of Hydration

Coincidentally, optimal hydration at a cellular level forms a gel-like consistency so our bodies find it much simpler to absorb this gel form of water which has a different molecular structure. 

Groundbreaking research at Harvard and Cornell University claims that water in our cells and plant cells is actually H3O2. Basically, it is gel-like water that has been charged with electrolytes. 

Gerald Pollack, Ph.D., head of The University of Washington’s Pollack Water Lab has studied how this gel water acts as fuel “for every action of every cell”. Now that does sound like something we all would welcome!

So you might drink a lot of water but it merely passes out through your urine. Another myth that needs to be revisited is that having clear urine means you are well hydrated. Well, that actually means that water is merely passing through your system without the cells actually using it.

People are guzzling water in a record-breaking fashion but still, 75 million of us are still dehydrated and overweight. Why?

There are so many elements in our environment and lifestyle that steal hydration from our system and add to that, inappropriate systems to rehydrate. The perfect recipe for a really dry affair.

“We may not get enough water in our cells, where it’s crucial for metabolism and countless other functions” exclaims Dana Cohen, MD, author of Quench: Beat Fatigue, Drop Weight and Heal Your Body Through the New Science of Optimum Hydration. She notes that more gel water in our routines “is one of the best things you can do for your body. I’ve seen amazing results in hundreds of patients”

Another key advantage highlighted by her is that the dense form of the gel makes it less likely to leak out of damaged or aging cells!

When it comes to healing, we must credit ourselves as a society to want to move away from the dominating medical system of pharmaceuticals and explore the possibility of healing foods and herbs.

But we must realize that our Breath and Hydration are way bigger elements that impact our health. Food is just a small part of the story

We will leave Breathwork for another article and stick to Hydration here.

The solution is simple if applied. Start ‘Eating your Water’

Choose Water-Rich Foods

Here, we provide you a list of hydration- rich foods that contain water that is way more bioavailable for your body. (Give the highest preference to those foods that have a gel-like substance in them)

  • Soaked Chia Seeds
  • Aloe Vera
  • Watermelon
  • Lemons
  • Oranges
  • Cucumber (96% water, highest of any food source)
  • Lychee
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Celery
  • Tomatoes
  • And many many more

It is recommended to have six servings of gel-water-rich foods daily. A simple hack is that if you consume some dehydrating foods, just increase the intake of gel foods to compensate and that could help!

CBD and Hydration

Another important step you can take to further optimize your hydration levels is consuming Broad Spectrum CBD oil which has MCT oil

“Water enters cells through an oil-guarded membrane,” Cohen says. “Good fats, especially omega-3s, keep membranes supple, increasing absorption.”

CBD oil provides you with these good fats to allow better transfusion of water at the cell walls.

Get Started Here

Commit to hydration and with the knowledge in this article, you are ready to get started. We are on a mission to not just inform you about the steps you can take to a better life but equip you with all the tools necessary to apply all that you learn. Some tips here might help you

  • Make habits and convert your wish into a plan. Don’t make big changes. Commit to just one water-rich food and enjoy its flavors and the gel in it! Give yourself a variety to make the journey exciting!
  • Do not overdo it. You cannot make up for all those dehydrating years in one day 😉 Stop when you feel satiated
  • Slow down when you drink water. It is not about quantity but quality. The more you let the water rest in your mouth, the better it is absorbed
  • Do not drink water after meals. You need your digestive fire to do its job of breaking down food and water can interfere with your fire and cause indigestion
  • Do not drink from low quality plastic bottles as much as possible. Some toxins from the plastic might seep into your water
  • One habit we highly recommend you to adopt is drinking ample amounts of water, preferably with soaked chia seeds or infused with some fruit to start your day on a hydrating note! This can be especially advantageous as sleeping causes a long period with no intake of any form of water. 
  • Avoid drinking water at night though as it can disrupt your sleep due to frequent washroom trips in the middle of the night.


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CBD as Food Supplement https://ph.avegademos.in/cbd-food-supplement/ Tue, 29 Dec 2020 09:59:44 +0000 https://ph.avegademos.in/?p=1641 The post CBD as Food Supplement appeared first on Pure CBD Health.


CBD as Food Supplement

Anuj Wadhwa

Dec 29, 2020

Our food supply is corrupted. Vegetables, fruits, meats, etc. all are compromised in the quality of their nutrition if we compare it to a century ago.

Our air is no more nourishing and our water is depleted of minerals.

We are not getting the nourishment our bodies deserve and add to that stress and anxiety of being a twenty-first-century human. It becomes imperative for us to consume supplements to ensure we get all the essential Vitamins and Minerals that we need to keep us alive and thriving, ready to take on life.

Now comes the greatest challenge. Which supplement to consume? Is Fish oil the answer or maybe you read an article that claimed the importance of Vitamin B12 for energy levels.

It is all so darn confusing!

Worry not, nature has the answer for you. And it is SIMPLE!

Humans are lately all about isolating compounds to sell to you ONE particular element as the wonderful solution.

That is not how it works in nature, where everything that is offered is a synergistic effect of many different vitamins and minerals in particular combinations as optimal ratios that are ideal for our body.

Consuming supplements that isolate a particular vitamin or a mineral does pose a threat of imbalances by getting too much of one thing and less of another.

Science is catching up and until it does, let us put our trust in nature, for once!

That is why Pure CBD Health brings to you Broad Spectrum CBD Food Supplement that contains the exact ratio of all the cannabinoids found in nature, as is!

It contains all the naturally occurring fatty acids, proteins, terpenes, and flavonoids which is a holistic way of nourishing our system without hunting for these elements from different sources of supplements.

Another key highlight of the nutrient profile of our CBD Food Supplement is MCT (Medium-Chain Triglycerides) which is good fat and is easily absorbed by our system due to shorter chains of fats.

Although most articles on the internet recommend adding CBD Oil to your juices, smoothies, we would recommend you to add it to your tea, coffee, soups, or any other hot beverage.

Adding the oil in colder drinks can reduce the chance of it being properly absorbed in the body as cold oil can get clogged in the system. There is no scientific study to prove this but it is mentioned in the Ancient Texts of Ayurveda, to consume any oils/buttery substances with warm carriers.

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Different Types of Fasting and its Health Benefits https://ph.avegademos.in/different-types-of-fasting-and-its-health-benefits/ Tue, 29 Dec 2020 09:34:53 +0000 https://ph.avegademos.in/?p=1637 The post Different Types of Fasting and its Health Benefits appeared first on Pure CBD Health.


Different Types of Fasting and its Health Benefits

Anuj Wadhwa

Dec 29, 2020

Since the time Yoshinori Ohsumi, a cell biologist from Japan got the Nobel Prize in 2016 for proving the benefits of fasting, research and studies on fasting have skyrocketed.

In a world where eating every 2 hours is considered the norm and getting a good amount of protein daily is coveted as the holy grail of muscular development, eating nothing for a prolonged period of time sounds like a metabolic disaster! However, one trend keeps repeating lately as modern science progresses.

It always confirms the supremacy of our Ancient Sciences over our Modern Adaptations based on assumptions.

One thing that Budhha, Krishna, Christ, Mohammed, and other religious leaders agreed upon is fasting albeit in different times of the year and protocols, probably to adapt to the variables in their geographical location like the weather.

Humans have been fasting from time immemorial. It has been deeply ingrained in our cultural practices and social norms.

Although the past couple of decades, fasts have been replaced by feasts. Abundance is nourishing the dark side of decadence in all of us.

Family gatherings or social events are all about rich extravagant foods. Food is what people bond over.

A romantic dinner with exotic dishes does sound like the best way to spend time with your significant other, but our physiology does not agree. More people suffer bad health due to overconsumption of foods rather than malnourishment. Diabetes and Coronary Artery Disease is now becoming rampant in affluent sections of society.

The answer to these devastating challenges for our health and economy lies in a simple solution. Just don’t eat anything, for a few days! Well, it is slightly more complex than that as you need to follow some protocols to do it properly but in a nutshell, it is that simple!

Research institutes have spent billions of dollars, searching for the miracle drug with no real need for it.

Our miracle healing system is found within us and it is called Autophagy. It is derived from a Greek Word wherein “Auto” means self and “Phagy” means eating.

It is basically a process where our healthy cells destroy and recycle the unhealthy organelles that reside within them to enjoy the state of homeostasis. In other words, the cell eats a part of itself that is wearing off and gets renewed.

More about how this plays out at a cellular level later in this article so read on!

Before we begin exploring the impact and its different types of fasts on our health, we need to differentiate fasting into three broad categories :

1 Intermittent Fasting – The practice of eating in a limited window during the day, generally being 8 hours, and resting the digestive system for the remaining 16 hours.

2 Periodic Fasting – Not eating any solid food for a period of 1 full day or more.

3 Partial Fasting – Limiting intake of calories to a bare minimum and consuming only easy to digest food.

In this article, we will be exploring more about 2 Popular types of fasting that i.e Periodic and Partial Fasting!

To understand what exactly happens at the cellular level when we are nutritionally deprived for a period of time, let’s get our basics right about Cellular Biology.

One of the most important organelles (components/structures within a living cell) is lysosomes. It is the control center of the metabolic system of our cell. See it as a switch that can alter the mode in which a cell behaves and functions.

It was once assumed as merely the ‘trash can’ of the cell, where cellular waste was discarded. Lysosomes, an enzyme filled vesicle is the place where cellular waste like proteins, nucleic acids, and sugars are sent. The enzymes break down the waste and these broken down components are used for regeneration of the components discarded to replenish the organelles within the cell. This process is called autophagy.

Recent advancements are indicating that there is much more to the story. Roberto Zoncu, a cell biologist at the University of California, Berkeley exclaims that recent developments “have elevated the lysosome to a decision-making center involved in the control of cellular growth and survival”

When a person is fasting or substantially restricting in calories, It signals the cell to create more enzyme-filled lysosomes so that fat reserves can be digested to act as a source of energy. Similarly, if a person is well-fed, it signals the cell that there is much abundance in the system so instead of burning fat or recycling waste, it must focus on growth and reproduction.

In short, lysosomes are the master switch in the cell to switch between the state of regeneration and destruction/recycling.

What happens when we are eating all the time, just because we are taught to eat 3 meals and incessant snacking(for a dopamine rush), every day for the rest of our life?

The lysosomes seldom signal the cell to initiate the process of clearance of waste products in our cell and recycle to renew our cells.

It results in a compromised cell with degenerated organelles, begging for space to heal. Non-Stop devouring of tough to digest foods takes all the body’s energy to digest and eliminate them, leaving no bandwidth for the body’s faculties to be deployed for housekeeping and repair work.

Imagine working 365 days a year without taking even one day off, a sure shot route to a burned-out you! fasting is that well deserved ‘offtime’ for our bodies!

Now I know you might be thinking, “This sounds good but a whole day without food? That ain’t happening!”

It doesn’t have to be that way. It is recommended to not shock your system into sudden deprivation. Instead, opt for Partial Fasting, once or twice a month.

Here are key things to remember before you attempt your first Partial Fast

  1. To execute your Partial Fast effectively, make sure you don’t eat heavy dinner the day before your fast. How you prepare for the fast and break the fast is as important as the fast itself
  2. Start your morning with a detox drink. I highly recommend Neem/Triphala or Ginger tea. You can add some CBD oil in your tea for some healthy fats and enough energy for the day
  3. For breakfast, have a bowl of fruit. Anyone type of fruit. Your digestive system is less stressed if there is less variety in your meal
  4. For lunch, have some vegetables and/or sweet potatoes. It could be boiled/steamed or lightly stir-fried. Top up with some fresh herbs like Parsley or
  5. Keep sipping warm water throughout the day. Coffee is allowed but just 1 or 2 cups without milk
  6. In the evening, before sunset, if you are hungry, have another fruit. Remember, do not punish yourself, if there is a craving, subside it with any light food in a limited quantity
  7. Dinner can be a thick soup made with a vegetable of your choice and if you are really famished, add a small bowl of vegetables similar to your lunch
  8. Be mentally prepared, block out a day in the calendar. Avoid booking any meetings that might cause stress for that day. Instead, literally, schedule time for some downtime in the form of meditation or just lie down with some healing music in the background. Also, try to spend the evening with friends and family, playing a game, or doing anything engaging as evening is the time when the mind will crave comfort foods!

Make an effort to source organic foods for your day of Partial Fasting. You don’t want to be having toxic pesticides at least on this day of cleansing, so the extra cost of organic fruits and vegetables is well worth it, considering you are anyway eating so less!

Once you have done a dozen partial fasts and feel comfortable doing them, maybe move to have only a bowl of fruit in the morning and nothing for the rest of the day except liquids. Eventually, aim for just water fasting for a day, which will be your official Periodic Fast!

Note: If you suffer from any chronic medical conditions like Diabetes, do consult your doctor before giving this a shot!

Have you fasted and failed before? Do share your story and help others learn!

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How CBD Can Deepen Your Meditation Practice https://ph.avegademos.in/cbd-oil-to-deepen-meditation/ Mon, 28 Dec 2020 20:12:37 +0000 https://ph.avegademos.in/?p=1633 The post How CBD Can Deepen Your Meditation Practice appeared first on Pure CBD Health.


How CBD Can Deepen Your Meditation Practice

Anuj Wadhwa

Dec 28, 2020

Sitting and doing nothing is becoming a popular productivity hack. It sounds simple but it is also, a habit that seems to be the toughest to adopt. 

It is not surprising that all the high achievers we know out there, in any field, cherish their meditation routine to allow space for their thoughts and feelings to exist with no external noise or distraction. 

With smartphones dominating our being, meditation offers a mini digital detox in our daily lives. Unless you are prone to gazing at your phone in the middle of your meditation just to make sure you haven’t had an important call.

Before we dive into how CBD oil benefits in deepening your meditation practice, let us first understand what REAL meditation is, and more importantly, what it IS NOT. For that, let’s explore the origins of Meditation.

It has been popularised by the Vedic philosophies of the east. Even Buddhist traditions have roots in Vedic traditions. 


This is an image of a seal found while excavating the ancient Indus Valley Civilization that existed before 2000 BCE.

According to archaeologists, it shows the image of a woman in a seated pose which is called Siddhasana in the language of authentic yoga.

There are numerous other ancient findings that are a testament to the fact that our friends from the past had a deep understanding of the body, mind, and beyond. They had numerous techniques to their disposal that they used to live in a way that keeps us in an optimal state of being. The yogic scriptures recommend an 8-step path to achieve the highest state of Yoga i.e. a state of our full expression. 


So the science of Yoga was passed on through generations with these steps involved, which must be followed in order i.e. a set gradient of proceeding in one’s practice.

Now having an understanding of the true basics of the philosophy of yoga, we can explore what meditation IS NOT. Meditation IS NOT merely sitting in a lotus pose every morning, thinking about all the things unrelated to the practice, because the basic steps of yoga are not incorporated. Most of us, in the rush of pursuing the highest level, start the practice of meditation straight away due to ‘lack of time’ or ‘having a rough idea of what the basics are and believing that must be in place’.

The first 2 steps, for example, talk about how we need to observe a lifestyle of discipline, with respect to our sleep and wake timings, clean source of nutrition, study the basic theory, and MUCH MUCH more. 

Before these 2 steps find a foundation in one’s routine in some form or other, one is not ready to proceed to the third and fourth step i.e. the physical postures and breathwork.

It is not advisable to perform complex breathing exercises and poses if you have the remains of a greasy burger that you had for dinner one night before. Such a situation would backfire and one would not see the benefits of the practice, instead, it could backfire!

The first 2 steps are THE most overlooked aspects of Yoga, if ignored, are a sure path to failure in higher pursuits like meditation and beyond. 

Meditation is step number 7 ie Dhyaan which equates to the ability to have fiery levels of concentration on a particular subject or a goal. More often than not, the breath is the point of focus. 

Sounds simple right? Sitting and concentrating on your breath is meditation?

Well, it’s simple if you follow the eight steps.

Your daily routine needs to be optimized to be able to consistently perform poses and breathwork practice with prescribed protocols. This allows your body to sit for long periods of time comfortably in meditation. 

If you don’t follow the steps involved and plan to jump into the practice of meditation, you might achieve the ideal level of focus but it most likely will be your back pain or gastric troubles in your gut.

Now let’s explore then what is a realistic strategy to approach the subject of meditation, given complex lives and fast-paced days? 

Well, the solution is to focus on getting one’s lifestyle in some form of structure, to whatever extent possible given the circumstances.

While that is happening, it is best to study more about the philosophy of the eight steps in depth while keeping the practice of actual meditation REALLY short and achievable, maybe 5 minutes. 

Keeping it short will help the untrained body and mind to prioritize quality and quantity and actually, achieve the benefits of real meditation.

Along with all of this, CBD oil comes to the rescue. Given the massive number of stressful elements in our environment and the high level of pollutants in our food, air, and water, we need a herbal supplement to give us a boost at a physical and mental level to deal with the chaotic surroundings.


CBD oil can support in maintaining a cleaner gut and keeping any problems at bay to counteract the lifestyle fallacies to some extent, that are beyond our control.

CBD oil can also play a role in leveling the mind and helping us build momentum when we get into our short meditations, to really make the most out of our short bouts of 5-minute

meditations.CBD Oil allows us to focus on our poses and awareness of body position and helps achieve a more relaxed and focused mind.

How do we use CBD to deepen our meditation practice? Well, click here to know more about how to consume CBD properly, take it a few minutes before you plan to meditate and that’s it! 

If you have any further questions about the role CBD oil can play in your wellness pursuits, feel free to get in touch with our team!

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Different Types of Rest https://ph.avegademos.in/different-types-of-rest/ Mon, 28 Dec 2020 19:54:50 +0000 https://ph.avegademos.in/?p=1627 The post Different Types of Rest appeared first on Pure CBD Health.


Different Types of Rest

Anuj Wadhwa

Dec 28, 2020

When we get tired of too much work or physical exhaustion, the first thought that comes to our mind is that we need to rest.

How do we understand rest though? Well, most of us will consider sleeping more as a way to feel rested.

But is sleep the only tangible way of effectively resting and recouping?

There are actually 7 types of rest that we all need to incorporate into our lives.

Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Sensory, Social & Creative!

Sleep is just a way to physically rest and somewhat mentally too (Although our mind is fairly active in most stages of sleep)

There is an eye-opening TED talk by Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith where she awakens people about the real definition of rest and how it needs to be adopted.

Just listening to her makes one check-in with themselves and wonder how well-rested we actually are in these areas which we were not even considering as ‘depleted’ or needing dire attention.


Let’s explore each type of rest and a few action points on each.


1. Physical Rest: This is an easy one to realize and the most obvious one to address. Yet, most people still overlook it, at times, believing that the physical body must be pushed to stay strong. While that is partially true, balancing it with ‘some’ rest is where recovery happens. The challenge is that the right amount of rest is a mystery and most of us are guilty of underestimating our personal needs.

Roger Federer is famous for sleeping 12 hours a day, since he knows his body needs it, given his profession. Results truly speak for him.  So the only obvious step for all of us is to use a tool to realize if our body is well-rested or not. Try out this simple way to communicate with your body, regularly. Close your eyes, focus on your breath, let it get longer and slower. Now scan your whole body and notice, if you are holding any part stiff. If there is any tension in any area. It will just take 1 minute or less and this will allow you to check-in with your body and see how it is doing.

If you are like most people, you will find some of your body parts stiff or cringed, like the forehead, shoulders, abdominal muscles, and even the pelvic floor muscles! If you find your body needing some time off, start with sleep. Give yourself quality sleep before deciding what the right quantity is. Adding to that, include stretching in your morning and/or evening routine. As short as 2 minutes can take you a long way and is better than none at all! Get a massage once a week or get an acupressure. Physical touch can be greatly relieving for our bodies.

2. Mental Rest: If you have lasted till this part of the article, I bet you are someone who is a committed person and ambitious in life. Often what happens is that with all the ambition and will to achieve, we overload our minds with so much information, with the fear of missing out or being left behind in the race, that we don’t allow the mind to process all the inputs and take time to draw its own conclusions by simply having some space. Mental Rest is found in Meditation. You can find a long list of meditations with a single google search and they all are probably effective. I recommend starting with the simplest techniques, which might be counterintuitive.

Meditation is one of those disciplines where less is truly more. A famous Yogi once said, “Beginners need to start with simple techniques, Intermediate can advance to more complex ones and Advanced level seekers need to get back to the simple techniques they originally started off with.”One of the simplest and most effective meditation is The Breath Counter.

Sit in a comfortable pose or simply lie down. Choose a target number in your mind. Ideally, just start with anywhere between 10-15. Start counting your breath. one inhale and one exhale i.e. a cycle of breath is one count of breath. Once you take breath number 15, if 15 was your target, start reverse counting and go back to zero. So effectively you count 30 breaths. There will be times that you will lose count as some thoughts will enter your mind. If you do, start at zero! Slowly work your way up to 100 or even more!

This meditation will build your focus and concentration, while simultaneously relaxing your mind. If done regularly, your mind will start to be more in the present moment and you will realize that despite the external circumstances being as stressful and chaotic as they always have been, your mind will feel calm and stable throughout the day despite being highly focused and efficient, way more than before. It is truly a win-win and a highly ‘productive’ act. To give your meditation a boost, you can consider taking CBD Oil sometime before your meditation to gain some momentum. It is great for beginners who are not used to just sitting and doing nothing! We need such boosts given our lack of training in such a discipline in our younger years.

Mental Rest

3. Emotional Rest: Our emotions are nothing but ‘energy in motion’ It is what makes us feel alive and human. People misunderstand emotions as some kind of sensitive behavior that strong people don’t exhibit.

Remember the day that you had a small argument with your loved one in the morning before work? Could you be fully present in your meetings all day or was your back of the mind partially consumed with the confrontation?

Or maybe the time when you got a promotion at work and when you reach home in the evening, you can’t stop smiling despite your kids causing havoc or your partner complaining as usual.

Our emotions, be it positive or negative, are influential in deciding how we behave in situations. Whether we react impatiently or respond gleefully to external stimuli depends on what state our emotions are in.
The ideal state of emotions is balanced and not overexcited. Although it is human to experience the extremities at times, being over ecstatic or depressed all the time can be draining to our hormonal system. It is just how we are designed!

Now how do we achieve this homeostasis of our emotional system? Well, there are really simple techniques, some of them which we might even be aware of but it is all about execution.

The first one I would consider is asking questions. What does that have to do with emotions? When you meet someone from your family, the first thing that you want to do is share your excitements, joys, and/or sorrows to feel lighter. While that is a useful way to feel lighter, next time try just asking questions and being genuinely interested in knowing others’ stories first. It will strengthen your bonds as your loved ones will be so overjoyed with you providing them with space to express themselves. That will in turn fill you with joy to sense your loved one in a blissful state.  This approach is surely counterintuitive but highly effective.

Another thing that you can try to charge your emotions and bring them to balance is breathwork. Our emotions are directly linked to our Heart Rate Variability (HRV) with a higher HRV indicating better emotional regulation

One type of breathwork that can help you achieve an ideal state of HRV is pattern breathing. A pattern could be of your choosing, just keep the exhale longer than the inhale. I recommend starting with inhaling 5 and exhale 8 ratio

4. Spiritual Rest: When we talk of rest, spiritual rest is probably the last type of rest we would think of. I mean, first of all, we are not even clear what the word ‘Spirit’ really means and what the spirit is all about.

To keep it simple, let’s just consider the spirit an ‘observer’ in all of us. When we ‘watch our mind’, the entity that watches our mind is the spirit! We don’t need to give it a form or a specific definition but just sense into your own being and try to locate the observer that is witness to all of your faculties. How do we rest this observer? Great question! Spiritual Rest can be one of the most complex types of rests in a world that is all about reductionism and worshipping tangibility. For science enthusiasts, Quantum Physics is an arena to consider if intrigued by the form of ethereal subjects like the spirit. Having a limited understanding of this phenomenon, you can consider skipping this point if you don’t wish to work on something you cannot measure!

For those who are interested to give it a shot, we have ONE powerful way of recharging your spirit with nothing to lose except a minute or two in a day. Praying! We all used to pray at some point in our life and some of us still do! Make a simple ritual of praying regularly. Folded hands are a great way to get in the zone, close your eyes, and let your inner child ask for anything that you wish in your life with a pure heart. Or maybe just thank you for all that you have if you are overflowing with gratitude. Have a strong intention to connect and a good chance that you will just feel nice after doing it!

5. Sensory Rest: This is my favorite one! Our senses are CONSTANTLY bombarded with various over stimulatory sensations. “Get more flavors out of every bite,” says the commercial of the latest hamburger joint. “More vivid colors and sharper display,” says the advert for the newest smartphone.  Cars honking on the streets smell of different chemicals in various stores, high BPM music, and whatnot. We are certainly the MOST stimulated generation that history has seen. Are we ready to handle so much stimulation? Don’t think so. Nervous breakdowns, anxiety, panic attacks are clear outcomes of an overstimulated nervous system, which is overworked with all the inputs it needs to carry to the brain.
If you had to choose one type of rest you need to start with, choose this one. I bet you will find a lot of options to rest your senses, but for me, the most important one is avoiding screens or any form of technology after sunset. That is the time our senses just want to retreat and rest for the day. Don’t take them on overdrive by squeezing in just one more round of a game or an episode on Netflix. Calm your nervous system with a short walk, a dip in a warm salt bath, or just light music and a cup of tea with your loved one, with no distraction!

man resting on couch

6.Social Rest: Yes, humans are certainly social creatures! We love to be in packs and live to enjoy our next night out with friends. Being active socially is certainly healthy and a common feature in blue zones with centenarians enjoying a social life and crediting their close connections as contributors to their longevity.

Social Rest applies if you are constantly surrounded by people and feel awkward sitting alone. If your dependence on being around people has risen to the point that you have lost the joy of being in your own company, STOP. Spend at least half a day in a week doing an activity that you generally do with people, all by yourself. For beginners, go to the movies alone. If you are feeling brave, go to a cafe for a cup of coffee just with your diary and without your phone. You will find a new friend who deserves your attention and love!

7. Creative Rest: Creativity is not just for kids and artists. Humans are born creative. It is our ability ‘to create’. We all create in our life. We create value for a company that pays us money in return. We create joy for our loved ones which forms lasting relationships. We create healthful movements when we exercise that gives us a happy body. There is a saying in an African Tribe “If you can walk, you can dance. If you can talk, you can sing”

The fear of judgment coupled stops us from doing a lot of things we will deeply enjoy doing. Travel back in time to the point when you were a young kid. What did you enjoy? Which moments come back to you with the fondest of memories? Was it your clay modeling sessions in school? Was it your annual function where you had to personify a flower on stage? Or was it reading comic books with stories of superhumans?
Creativity is not well defined in our world. It is not just drawing or dancing. It can be a simple task like walking into the kitchen, seeing the ingredients at hand, and not reading any recipe to create a unique dish out of your imagination. It could also mean editing your email signature and adding an element like a quote, which most people ‘don’t have time for’, to allow your unique being to be expressed in unconventional ways.

Let’s consider a very specific action you can take on a regular basis to allow your creativity to shine through and be expressed in simple ways.

Make an empty file on Gdrive, name it ‘The Creativity Menu’, and every time you think of an activity that feels creative to you, add it in bullet points to that list. Every Sunday, after your breakfast, consider opening that file and choosing any one activity out of that list and give it a shot! Keep trying different activities to see which ones you enjoy the most! Some options to get started are: Colouring Books, Perfume Making, Cooking without a recipe, dance to your favorite song in a room that is pitch dark, Write poetry on any topic of your interest, Stitch a cushion cover, go on Pinterest and pin art pieces that you like and much much more! Basically, keep it achievable! You get the point 😉

Rest is much more than sleep and more productive than we think. Once you incorporate some elements of rest in your life, you will see how refreshed you feel at work or any other of your usual pursuits!

So make the time you spent reading this article count! Start with any one type of rest to begin with and consider including the others too slowly.

Also, do share how you like to rest if we did not cover it in this article!

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CBD’s relation with our Gut Microbiome https://ph.avegademos.in/cbds-relation-with-our-gut-microbiome/ Thu, 12 Nov 2020 09:52:39 +0000 https://ph.avegademos.in/?p=1579 The post CBD’s relation with our Gut Microbiome appeared first on Pure CBD Health.


CBD’s relation with our Gut Microbiome

Anuj Wadhwa

Nov 12, 2020

Research on Gut Health has never fascinated the medical profession as much as it has in the last decade.

The American Gut Project, which was launched in 2012, is the largest study investigating the Human Microbiome involving Citizen Science. It involves the participation of average citizens sending their faecal samples and partaking in this revolution in the field of health and wellness.

People from all around the world, including the USA, UK, Australia and 42 other countries sent their samples. The overwhelming response testified the excitement in the general populace to further explore the trillions of bacterial friends and foes that reside in and on each one of us.

Over 15,000 samples were collected of people from different backgrounds and ethnicities to keep the study balanced and, what did they find?

Well to keep it short, they found that the more diverse one’s diet is in types of fruits and vegetables, the better the diversity of the microbiomes. People who consumed 30 or more types of plants a week were in the safe zone called eubioses whereas people consuming less than 10 types of plants a week were in the danger zone called dysbiosis

Interestingly, it was noted that those groups who were having an insufficient variety of plants were consuming more meat as a replacement, most of which is injected with antibiotics which wreak further havoc causing dysbiosis ie an imbalance of gut microflora.

Now the consequences of messing with a well-balanced microbiome system in humans stretch way beyond a healthy digestion and assimilation of food, it hugely affects our overall emotional well being.

Remember complaining about how your gut calls at work or in life at large are just not functioning as they used to? Well, read on…

The first step you can, and need to, take is to introduce Probiotic Foods into your daily routine along with finding the seasonal variety of vegetables and fruits at your local farmers market.

To ensure you don’t fall back to your previous habits, start tracking how many types of plant-based foods you end up consuming each week whilst reflecting on your week. (If you don’t have such a ritual, we highly recommend it)

Once you put yourself on the track of recovery, CBD oil can play a pivotal role in maintaining the gut microbiome and supporting a healthy gut.

One of the major challenges that people face is called Leaky Gut Syndrome. The walls of the intestines have a barrier that only allows useful nutrition to penetrate into our bloodstream while unhealthy microbes and other toxins from foods are prevented from entering the bloodstream. This essential job is done by healthy bacteria present in our gut itself, that act as gatekeepers of the wall barriers. In their absence, our gut walls become overly permeable, allowing all unwanted intruders to pollute our bloodstream.

CBD can substantially increase the quantum of such healthy bacteria that act as a line of defence on our inner intestinal walls.

CBD can also tone down the severe inflammation that ensues for those with a Leaky Gut.

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The post CBD’s relation with our Gut Microbiome appeared first on Pure CBD Health.
